Kawah Ijen mountain is the one of vacation object that can be found on east java. This place being the most favorite tourism for domestic and foreign tourist. Usually to enjoying fresh air and beautiful of mountain panorama they do camping activity on Paltuding
Kawah Ijen is a lake that placed on the top of Ijen Mountain that happened due to eruption process of Ijen mountain, it was full of water that make this cauldron became a lake with beautiful view.
It has green toska water color with high of acid concentrate.
On the south east of those lake there are solfatara court area, this solfatara court was being a wall of kawah Ijen ,on the west side there are placed a Dam that being the beginning of Banyupait river.
Volcanic gas with high concentrate of sulfur that some time make irritation of breathing pipeline always spread by kawah ijen mountain on this solfatara court.
This situation not make solfatara slack of tourist , On the day tourist usually came to this place to see sulfur miner carrying sulfur sublimate to Paltuding.
For Dam,Kawah Ijen placed although it has a beautiful panorama but it’s a little quiet of tourist due to difficult route to reach those placed. Some time the foot step route was slide due to high rain
Dam Kawah Ijen are concrete building that already exist since Dutch colonialism at Indonesia, this Dam was made to arrange water level on this lake, so can prevent flood of water with high acid concentrate.
This Dam can not totally function cause the water form this lake was never reach the water gate due to there are any leakage inside Dam.
Fortunately this leakage was create a gypsum naturally due to sulfur and calcium reaction from water and stone from the Dam.
This reaction are happen continuously and now became a Gypsum court. This court can also be a potential placed to visit if we can manage those place professionally.
Journey to the kawah ijen place start from Paltuding 1,600 dpl a Perhutani Post on the foot of Merapi- Ijen Mountain. From here journey continue to slope upward until 2,400m dpl, The walking time to reach this place are 1.5 - 2 hours. During this journey we’ll see a lot of sulfur miner that carrying the sulfur into Paltuding. When we arrive at side of cauldron we’ll see a green tosca lake with diameter until 1KM This fogy lake also covered by smoke of sulfur deep inside the lake. To reach sulfur source miner we must continue our hi

king go down along the mountain side kaldera. During this journey we need wet of handy craft due to wind that bring sulfur smock into journey route.
On the base of cauldron we can see parallel with surface of lake we can seen there are sulfur miner. There are white smoke was spread out from pipe that connect to sulfur source.Melted red fumarol was frozen and make solid sulfur with light yellow color.
For safety reason climbing activity to the kawah ijen was closed at 2 pm, during waiting this climbing area are open we can staying on “Pondok WIsata” at Paltuding that have clean condition or we can also do camping activity on camp ground Paltuding.