Friday, September 3, 2010

Pacu Jalur Festival , In Kuantan Singingi - Riau - Indonesia

A. Take a Little Sight
Pacu Jalur is a traditional dragon boat racing festival from Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) that until today we still exist and will be improve more better in Riau province. This boat race was using dragon boat that made from wood with people usually call it by jalur. This race also was became annual traditional ceremony to celebrate Indonesia Independence Day. Pacu Jalur held every 23 – 26 august.This boat have dimention of length 25-40 meter with 40-60 athletes each boat. More than 100 boats was joint in this festival, of course this festival will interesting thousand tourist from domestic or foreign.

Purportedly this boat race that being one of Kuantan Singingi society legacy was held since 1900.The real function of this Boat was being transportation facility to support economical system. This habit may encourage this pacu jalur race activity.During Dutch Colonialism this boat was used to Birthday celebration for the quen Wilhelmina. After Indonesia got the independence day this boat move forward a little became a festival to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day .
On the beginning, this pacu jalur race only followed by local people and lack of participant, but along with time running this festival became famous, not only local people participate this festival in fact many athletes from different country was joint in this Pacu Jalur Festival .Now this festival was categorize being Major event of National Tourism schedule you can enjoy every August.

B. Advantage
Pacu Jalur was one of people party that very interesting for tourist who came to this Festival.

This festival was truly made in Kuantan Sengingi people was create for climax during their 1 year activity.The climax for efforts, and hard work Kuantan people for last one year. People very enthusiastic waiting this Pacu Jalur race event yearly

C. Location

Pacu Jalur was locate on Kuantan river (Kuantan bay) with usually people call with famous name is Tepian Narosa Central Subdistric central Kuantan, Regency Kuantan Singingi, Riau, Indonesia.

D. Access

Tepian Narosa was placed on 150 KM from Pekan baru.

We need 3.5 hours to reach this place by using car. Other transport facility to reach those place by public transportation and ojeg.

E. Ticketing
It’s Free of charge.

F. Accomodation
Still in progress for public facility, Mosque, Audience tribune, Hotel, SAR Speed Boat, Medical pos , Food Court, Souvenir counter etc

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