Monday, September 6, 2010

Indonesian Karst Forest, Being Number 3 in the World

Karst Maros-Pangkep In South Sulawesi was be one of karst area that have unique view that usually people called it as tower karst.

South Sulawesi has very large of
karst (Maros Pangkep) with total vast until 4.500 hectare, this make Maros pingkep placed on #3 for the most larger karst in the world on terluas ketiga di dunia.

Explore this karst and see the miracle within.

This area was located on 2 regency ( Maros and Pangkep). Exactly north localized 50-100 KM from Makasar. Karst can be clearly seen from trans-sulawesi road that connected between Makasar and Parepare.

We can see cave on this Karst, This cave was create from carbonate hard core, combine with water that washing this stone for long time, this combination create an unique and beautifull cave ornamen.Inside the cave we can also observerd that in the prehistoric era, this cave was used for stay for cave man. So the cave also we can call a pre-historic cave

Speleologi Potency
A Group of caves was create path and underground river in this karst maros-Pangkep make this karst have an unique potency.I’ts very interesting to see caves with underground river within it. MARVELOUS

The Lenghteness and deepest Cave in

Until today,the longest and deepest cave was found in this Kars Maros. Deepest Cave was observed like a single well with 260 meter depth. This cave was found in Leang Leaputte. While for the longest cave was found ain Salukkan Kallang cave system, with 2700 Meter Lengh.

This cave system are connecting between 1 cave system with another that have several entrance accest to the cave. In National Bantimurung-bulusaraung there are occured a cave with vertical entrance accest , and on 2001 France expedition team was found another cave with have 12 KM lenght, this cave was became 2nd cave with lenghtness distance.This cave was found in Balocci area Pangkep.By find this 2nd lenghteness Cave,it’s add more miracless list that we can seen in the Cave of Maros

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