Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coto Makassar

Coto Makasar our other people said with name “coto mangkasara.

This food was came from makassara city , South Sulawesi.

The mainly substances of this food was came from entrails part of Cow such as liver, heart etc.

Other substances was came from beef. Combine with other substances then boil for a long time.

After cooked well, beef and entrails part the sliced then added by special cooking spices.

Coto makasar usually serve on bowl and complete with ketupat (rice cake that boiled in a rhombus)

Right now, coto makasar was spread among all around Indonesia,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Papeda or we can say with sago porridge is traditionally food of Maluku and Papua People,

This food was being their main food and surely we can found all around maluku and papua.

Papeda was made from sago flour that make by citizen who life deep inside in Papua.

Sago flour was made by hit sago palm tree, To produce good quality of sago tree age must reach 3-5 years old.

First at all we cut the tree stem, then twice the hump until we get saripati of sago.

This sago was processed from saripati (core of tree stem), and then from saripati sago continue processed became sago flour.

This sago flour after produced usually keep on special placed that called tumang.

Generally papeda serve with yellow soup that make from tuna fish and add with cooking spice that contain turmeric and lemon

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lunpia Semarang

Lumpia Semarang, it’s kind of food that little bit similar with roulade/rollede that contains bamboo shoot , egg and chicken/shrimp within.

Sensation taste of lumpia Semarang are combination between Chinese and Indonesia culture, because it discovered by Chinese man that marriage with Indonesian women.

This food was start to sell and became famous at Semarang during Sport festival GANEFO that held on Sukarno period.

There are 5 variation of Lunpia Semarang.

a. Gang Lombok ( Siem Swie Kiem)

b. Jalan Pemuda ( Siem Swie Hie)

c. Jalan Mataram (Siem Hwa Nio)

d. Eks employee on jalan pemuda

e. Cullinary modification.

All kind of variation have special taste and various serve method.

kerak telor

Kerak telor is traditionally recipe from betawi (Jakarta).

It’s make from white glutinous rice, egg , ebi ( salty shrimp that already dried off).

Those substance then fried without using oil or margarine.

Cooking spice that kerak telor use are ; blended fried coconut , red pepper , galingale , ginger , black pepper, salt and sugar.

This menu was very popular, special during Jakarta Festival that held every year.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pindang Tulang

If you are person that really delight in cow bones menus,

You can taste this menu, traditionally from south Sumatran called “pindang tulang”.

This menu was combination between cow bones with spices flavor that make taste warm and spicy.

Spices that inserted on pindang tulang consist of onion, garlic, lemongrass, green pepper, tomatoes, turmeric, black pepper , Laos.

Pindang tulang usually serve with sweet ketchup and lalapan.

The exotic taste of this Pindang tulang was originally was produce by gravy.

So Let’s try this menu.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Pecel (salad made of blanched vegetables served with peanut sauce) is original menu from Madiun East Java.

Pecel was made from boiled various vegetables such as spinach, bean sprouts, green beans ,turi leaves, cucumber and others vegetables that want to add and then serve with spread of sauce peanut. Concept of pecel menu was similar with salad from Europe, both of them use fresh vegetables as the main component and topping.

The different is if salad use mayonnaises as topping, but for pecel it use sauce peanut for topping.

Sauce peanut was made from peanut, jalapeno chili, orange leaves ,onion , tamarind, salt and pepper.

Normally pecel serve complete with peanut crisp or shrimp crisp.

Other format of pecel menu also complete with rice, fried chicken and innards.

Serve method this menu usually use pincuk ( plate was made from bananas leaves).

Ketoprak (Food version)

Ketoprak (food version) is one of indonesian traditionaly food recipe that use ketupat (rice cake boiled in a rhombus-shaped packet of plaited young coconut leaves) and very easy to find it.Generally ketoprak was sale by using cart along side of street . Main gredien compoent of ketoprak are consist of : tofu,mihun (thin white noodle that make from rice) , peanut sauce,sweet, and complete with sowing of fried onion.This ketoprak ussulaly complete with chip and tempe for additional item component

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Coffee Luwak

Coffee Luwak was beverage that made from coffee that have been take from feces residue from Luwak ( kind of civet). This coffee was believe have different taste and aroma after eat by luwak and circulate on Luwak digestion system.This coffee luwak was famous in South east asia for long time ago, but start famous arround the world on 80’s after publicate by gourmet.This coffee was being the most expensive coffee bean in the world with price US$100/450 gr.
This coffee was famous because there are any myth, During Dutch open the coffee farm on 50’s Luwak was still observerd around the farm.his animal was very like to looking for fruit that already ripe enough (including coffee bean). This Luwak only pick coffee that already mature for his food,due to this coffee surounded with hard skin,so this coffee was doesn’t absorbed well by Luwak disgestion system then this coffee bean was out from luwak stomach together with Luwak’s feces .This condition was make coffee already naturally fermented by Luwak Stomach.This make coffee luwak has special taste and aroma

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Betutu Ducks

It’s was being special culinary from Bali,normally this food was made from duck that wrapped with bananas’s leaves and then continue wrapped with areca nut leaves, so it became fully closed. Duck that already wrapped then put into the ground, and then covered with fire ember for 6-7 hours (cooked well).
Betutu is special cook method for duck or chicken from Bali.From the appreance chicken betutu was very similiar with ingkung ( traditional chicken menu from java). Both menu was same on favour usage and full part of chicken serve,and the different is chicken betutu was made without coconut milk squezeed and have more highy spice taste compare than ingkung.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rujak cingur

Rujak cingur is one of kind traditionaly cuisine that can be found at East Java, mainly found at Surabaya.Normaly rujak cingur was made from slicer of fruit such as cucumber ,juice tuber,mango,pineapple and add with bamboo claper,tofu,tempe,bendoyo,and cingur (cartilage and meat of the nostrils and ears of cattle) also completed with vegetables such as been sprouts,leafy vegetable and peanuts etc. All those kind of material was mix with sauce that made from shrimp petis (condiment of the fermented shrimp).The sauce was serve with pistle /uleg method, That’s why rujak cingur also called “rujak Uleg”

There are 2 kinds serve method of rujak cingur.

  1. Original : all item of material was serve and mix without any item that decreased
  2. Matengan ( cooked) : they only serve all item that already cooked well, such as bamboo claper,fried tofu,fried tempe,and all vegetables that already boiled/cooked.This rujak was serve without fruits.

Boths method was use same of sauce.

Rujak cingur ussualy serve by using banana’s leafe or we can called it with pincuk, or we can also use plate.To complete the menu,usually add with chips

Monday, September 6, 2010


Rawon or rawonn rice (due to was serve with steam race ) is meat soup with special cooking spice, which is kluwek, this kluwek make the soup colour became black (without using any ketchup), Rawon was came from east java, but we also can find this menu on central java also. Rawon was made by thiny slice of beef and then mix with garlic,ginger plant,coriander,citronella,turmerci etc, this spice was make Rawon very special in Indonesia

Generaly rawon was serve complete with , been sprout,onion leave,chips and chilli sauce.

visit indonesia to taste this exotic rawon.

Indonesian Karst Forest, Being Number 3 in the World

Karst Maros-Pangkep In South Sulawesi was be one of karst area that have unique view that usually people called it as tower karst.

South Sulawesi has very large of
karst (Maros Pangkep) with total vast until 4.500 hectare, this make Maros pingkep placed on #3 for the most larger karst in the world on terluas ketiga di dunia.

Explore this karst and see the miracle within.

This area was located on 2 regency ( Maros and Pangkep). Exactly north localized 50-100 KM from Makasar. Karst can be clearly seen from trans-sulawesi road that connected between Makasar and Parepare.

We can see cave on this Karst, This cave was create from carbonate hard core, combine with water that washing this stone for long time, this combination create an unique and beautifull cave ornamen.Inside the cave we can also observerd that in the prehistoric era, this cave was used for stay for cave man. So the cave also we can call a pre-historic cave

Speleologi Potency
A Group of caves was create path and underground river in this karst maros-Pangkep make this karst have an unique potency.I’ts very interesting to see caves with underground river within it. MARVELOUS

The Lenghteness and deepest Cave in

Until today,the longest and deepest cave was found in this Kars Maros. Deepest Cave was observed like a single well with 260 meter depth. This cave was found in Leang Leaputte. While for the longest cave was found ain Salukkan Kallang cave system, with 2700 Meter Lengh.

This cave system are connecting between 1 cave system with another that have several entrance accest to the cave. In National Bantimurung-bulusaraung there are occured a cave with vertical entrance accest , and on 2001 France expedition team was found another cave with have 12 KM lenght, this cave was became 2nd cave with lenghtness distance.This cave was found in Balocci area Pangkep.By find this 2nd lenghteness Cave,it’s add more miracless list that we can seen in the Cave of Maros

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pacu Jalur Festival , In Kuantan Singingi - Riau - Indonesia

A. Take a Little Sight
Pacu Jalur is a traditional dragon boat racing festival from Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) that until today we still exist and will be improve more better in Riau province. This boat race was using dragon boat that made from wood with people usually call it by jalur. This race also was became annual traditional ceremony to celebrate Indonesia Independence Day. Pacu Jalur held every 23 – 26 august.This boat have dimention of length 25-40 meter with 40-60 athletes each boat. More than 100 boats was joint in this festival, of course this festival will interesting thousand tourist from domestic or foreign.

Purportedly this boat race that being one of Kuantan Singingi society legacy was held since 1900.The real function of this Boat was being transportation facility to support economical system. This habit may encourage this pacu jalur race activity.During Dutch Colonialism this boat was used to Birthday celebration for the quen Wilhelmina. After Indonesia got the independence day this boat move forward a little became a festival to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day .
On the beginning, this pacu jalur race only followed by local people and lack of participant, but along with time running this festival became famous, not only local people participate this festival in fact many athletes from different country was joint in this Pacu Jalur Festival .Now this festival was categorize being Major event of National Tourism schedule you can enjoy every August.

B. Advantage
Pacu Jalur was one of people party that very interesting for tourist who came to this Festival.

This festival was truly made in Kuantan Sengingi people was create for climax during their 1 year activity.The climax for efforts, and hard work Kuantan people for last one year. People very enthusiastic waiting this Pacu Jalur race event yearly

C. Location

Pacu Jalur was locate on Kuantan river (Kuantan bay) with usually people call with famous name is Tepian Narosa Central Subdistric central Kuantan, Regency Kuantan Singingi, Riau, Indonesia.

D. Access

Tepian Narosa was placed on 150 KM from Pekan baru.

We need 3.5 hours to reach this place by using car. Other transport facility to reach those place by public transportation and ojeg.

E. Ticketing
It’s Free of charge.

F. Accomodation
Still in progress for public facility, Mosque, Audience tribune, Hotel, SAR Speed Boat, Medical pos , Food Court, Souvenir counter etc

Wonderful Water Falls In Indonesia

Here they are the most wonderful Water Falls In Indonesia, You can enjoy the picture and see by your own eye by visiting Indonesia

Indonesia is truly Atlantis

Subulus Salam - Aceh:

Moramo – Sout East Sulawesi:

Coban Rondo - Malang, East Java:

Coban Pelangi - Malang, Jawa Timur:

Cibeureum – West Java:

Sipiso-Piso – North Sumatera:

Cigamea – West Java:

Grejegan - Pati, Central Java:

Lembah Anai – West Sumatera

The Most greatest cauldron in the world “Kawah ijen” From East Java (Indonesia)

Kawah Ijen mountain is the one of vacation object that can be found on east java. This place being the most favorite tourism for domestic and foreign tourist. Usually to enjoying fresh air and beautiful of mountain panorama they do camping activity on Paltuding

Kawah Ijen is a lake that placed on the top of Ijen Mountain that happened due to eruption process of Ijen mountain, it was full of water that make this cauldron became a lake with beautiful view.

It has green toska water color with high of acid concentrate.

On the south east of those lake there are solfatara court area, this solfatara court was being a wall of kawah Ijen ,on the west side there are placed a Dam that being the beginning of Banyupait river.

Volcanic gas with high concentrate of sulfur that some time make irritation of breathing pipeline always spread by kawah ijen mountain on this solfatara court.

This situation not make solfatara slack of tourist , On the day tourist usually came to this place to see sulfur miner carrying sulfur sublimate to Paltuding.
For Dam,Kawah Ijen placed although it has a beautiful panorama but it’s a little quiet of tourist due to difficult route to reach those placed. Some time the foot step route was slide due to high rain

Dam Kawah Ijen are concrete building that already exist since Dutch colonialism at Indonesia, this Dam was made to arrange water level on this lake, so can prevent flood of water with high acid concentrate.

This Dam can not totally function cause the water form this lake was never reach the water gate due to there are any leakage inside Dam.

Fortunately this leakage was create a gypsum naturally due to sulfur and calcium reaction from water and stone from the Dam.

This reaction are happen continuously and now became a Gypsum court. This court can also be a potential placed to visit if we can manage those place professionally.
Journey to the kawah ijen place start from Paltuding 1,600 dpl a Perhutani Post on the foot of Merapi- Ijen Mountain. From here journey continue to slope upward until 2,400m dpl, The walking time to reach this place are 1.5 - 2 hours. During this journey we’ll see a lot of sulfur miner that carrying the sulfur into Paltuding. When we arrive at side of cauldron we’ll see a green tosca lake with diameter until 1KM This fogy lake also covered by smoke of sulfur deep inside the lake. To reach sulfur source miner we must continue our hiking go down along the mountain side kaldera. During this journey we need wet of handy craft due to wind that bring sulfur smock into journey route.

On the base of cauldron we can see parallel with surface of lake we can seen there are sulfur miner. There are white smoke was spread out from pipe that connect to sulfur source.Melted red fumarol was frozen and make solid sulfur with light yellow color.

For safety reason climbing activity to the kawah ijen was closed at 2 pm, during waiting this climbing area are open we can staying on “Pondok WIsata” at Paltuding that have clean condition or we can also do camping activity on camp ground Paltuding.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Gudeg (javanese gudheg) is traditional cuisine from Yogjakarta ,Indonesia. Gudeg was made from young jackfruit and cooked with santan (milk squeeze from coconut ).Need long time to cooked this menu .Gudeg have brown colour,this was came from hardwood tree (jati) leafe which cook together with ingrediant.Gudeg serve with rice also completed with thick sauce (it’s called also areh), chicken ,egg,tofu and sambal goreng krecek.
There are many varian of gudeg,such as :
• Dry Gudeg, Gudeg that serve with very thick of sauce.
• Wet Gudeg, Gudeg that serve with thin of saurce.
• Gudeg Solo, Gudeg that have white colour of sauce

Rendang Minang

Beef Rendang is traditional recipe that contain by beef and milk squeeze from coconut as the main of subtance.This cuisine was traditionaly came from West Sumatran,Indonesia.It’s favorit among indonesian or foreign
Rendang make from beef ,coconut (karambia red),mix of traditional indonesian favour,such as chilli (lado red),ginger plant,lemongrass,garlic etc that ordinaly called with “pemasak”
On MinangKabau culture,Rendang beef has honorable position,Rendang has filosofi it self for minang society , it’s came from 4 main source object, they are:
1. Beef being Niniak mamak symbol (Leader of etnic)
2. Karambia (Coconut) symbol of cadiak pandai (intelectuall people)
3. Lado (Chilli), symbol of ulama that always give clear statement about religion laws
4. Pemasak (Fav), symbol of all minang society.
So come to Indonesia to taste Beef Rendang