Saucer Dance represent the dance art had by people Minangkabau coming from West Sumatran. The Dance show us the feel of gladness, joyful and feel the thanks to gods from society of Minangkabau when season harvest have arrived, where all youngsters sway the motion step by showing their ability in playing of saucer in their hand.
This dance is completed with song that played by talempong and saluang (Sumatran traditional music instrument), This dance movement was done swiftly at the same time hold saucer in their Hands. Sometime this saucer (plat) they throw into the air or they dash down it to the ground and stepped on by all the dancer with the naked feet.
This dance usually done by couple or by group , it has lot of movement that conduct swiftly, dynamic and also alternated by saucer sound that brought by all dancer. In the beginning this dance is a worship from society minangkabau to Goddess of Paddy and respect to the result harvest. But now the dance more regular performed at nuptials event.
Saucer dance become very liked even others country like Malaysia. This dance is very popular because this dance have energic movement, motivated, attractive, dynamic, and also have various movement so that become the separate fascination to all audience Dance Saucer.
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