Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Komodo Island

are you ever meet a dragon?
real life dragon ?,in Indonesia you will see this
on Komodo Island ( Indosian Dragon's)
Komodo island was placed on a strain between Flores island on Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and Sumbawa in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). On the Komodo island there are found the biggest lizard on the world(Varanus komodoensis). Komodo believed as one of dinosaurus family that still alive from pre-historic period, Komodo also usually called as Indonesian Dragon can growth until 3 meter length and 140 kg weight.
Beside we can find Komodo on Komodo Island,we also can find the others miracle on the under the sea world.
Under the sea water work on this island are the best around the word, because from the Komodo island ocean, protrude dry land with rock hill.

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