Monday, October 4, 2010

Merak (peacoks) Dance

Indonesian said “tari merak” , it was create by Raden Tjetjep Somantri at 1950’s and then remake by dra.Irawati Durban on 1965. This dance was came from west java ( pasundan land).

Many people was mistake about merak dance interpretation, many people was assume, this dance was telling about cheerful life of female peacock, actually this dance was telling us about stylish attitude of male peacock to attractive the female.

The male peacock will show the beautiful off their long and beautiful feathers tail to make female interested on it.

Body movement male peacock was looks like a supple dance, this it will explore the best male charm and then female will falling in love with the male at last continue to their breeding activity.

Every single movement of merak dance are have cheerful and happy meaning. This dance usually perform during wedding party.

Dancer of merak dance usually used colorful costume and crown that decorated with peacock head, another characteristic of merak/peacock dance we can seen on the wing that used by dancer.

It’s full of accessories and very beautiful when dancer flinging out their hands.

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