Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ende Lindo Dance..1

Hello friends,

In this opportunity, we’ll continue our journey to explore Indonesian dance,

At this time we’ll highlight about Ende Lindo Dance.

Ende Lindo dance is a traditional dance that has expression of what dancer feel, into their move and step.

Ende lindo was accompanying also with music and song, that divided by :

a. Toja

a group of dancer that their move was compact one and another,

it’s also has official music and song during their dancing performer.

b. Wanda

Each dancer, dancing with different move and step, follow the music

c. Wedho

Dance with focus on foot step and movement during following the music, their move just like a jumping movement full of energy and dynamic.

This wedho dance (part of ende lindo) was also complete with sword and shield that use by dancer.

d. Gawi

one of Ende Lindo type of dance that the movement Is just us their leg stamp on earth with power.

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