Friday, October 29, 2010

Gending Sriwijaya Dance

Hello All,

Let’s continue our Indonesian dance exploring activity in this month,

Now we we’ll highlight dance from Palembang city (South Sumatran) , it’s called Gending Sriwijaya Dance,

Gending sriwijaya dance also completed with a song that called also “gending sriwijaya”, that song was sing to accompanied the gending sriwijaya dance.

Both of them were telling about the greatest of Sriwijaya Empire that succeed to joint all Nusantara island.

These dances perform for welcoming party of special guest that visit at that area.

These dances was perform by 9 beautifully young dancer that wear traditional dress that called Aesan Gede,Selendang Mantri,paksangkong,Dodot and Tanggai.

This 9 person are the main dancer that guard by 2 other dancer that using umbrella and spear. Behind of that dancer there are singer and music player that playing

gending sriwijaya song.

In original condition music was played with gamelan and gong , but recently they already change the music player with rape recorder.

The main dancer bring tepak as sekapur sirih placed that will be give to special guest.

Based on history, this sekapur sirih gift, actually was bring by princess of Sultan or noble.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

ende Lindo Dance..2


I’ll continue the stories about Ende Lindo dance,

In this chapter, I’ll highlight about the choreography type of this dance,

From generation to generation, there are increasing choreography have been create, they are

a. Gawi/Naro

This dance choreography was made a circle that circling tubu musu , the dancer was grasp the hands one and another and combine with stomp their feet.

There are 2 kinds of step, Ngendo (backward) step and Rudhu ( forward ) step.

b. Tekka Se

This dance was perform just like Gawi/Nari (with foot step) , but in the middle of the circle there are a campfire .

c. Wanda/Toju Pau

Mass dance performance, but dancer must perform his dance individuality, usually dancer using a shawl and accompanying with Nggo wani music.

The dancer after finish his/her dance, must give the shawl to other dance to continue the dance performance.

d. Neku Wenggu,

e. Joka Sapa,

f. Mure,

g. Sangga Alu/Assu

h. Ara Angi,

i. Pala Tubu Musu,

j. Dowe Dera,

k. Napa Nuwa,

l. Ule Lela Nggewa,

m. Woge


Ende Lindo Dance..1

Hello friends,

In this opportunity, we’ll continue our journey to explore Indonesian dance,

At this time we’ll highlight about Ende Lindo Dance.

Ende Lindo dance is a traditional dance that has expression of what dancer feel, into their move and step.

Ende lindo was accompanying also with music and song, that divided by :

a. Toja

a group of dancer that their move was compact one and another,

it’s also has official music and song during their dancing performer.

b. Wanda

Each dancer, dancing with different move and step, follow the music

c. Wedho

Dance with focus on foot step and movement during following the music, their move just like a jumping movement full of energy and dynamic.

This wedho dance (part of ende lindo) was also complete with sword and shield that use by dancer.

d. Gawi

one of Ende Lindo type of dance that the movement Is just us their leg stamp on earth with power.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Didong Dance

Didong dance was came from Aceh,actually was not only dance in this traditional culture,

Because it’s combined between dancing ,singing and poem.

This art was perform firstly by Abdul Kadir To’et , in the Reje Linge XIII era.

This art was very delight in Takengon and bener meria people.

Some people said, Didong was same meaning with “denang” or “donang” word, that’s means “singing for heart amusing”.

Other people said that Didong was came from Din + Dong, Din à religion (Arabic word) and Dong à missions.

In the beginning of this Didong performance, this art was use for spreading activity of Islam religion.

The Didong artist usually completed his poem with Islam theology.

On that era Didong perform every Islamic Holiday.

Now,Didong not only perform in every Islamic holiday, it’s also perform every custom ceremonial,

Such as wedding, circumcision , big harvest, welcoming party etc.

Last condition of Didong dance now still exist and usually for their poem,

The used the poem to critics and protest for government.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cakalele dance, a traditionally dance came from maluku.

This dance was performing by around 30 dancer man and woman.

Man dancer usually using short machete and salawaku ( shield),

while for woman dancer was using lenso (handicraft).

For dance costume man dancer was us war clothes that have red and old yellow as dominant color of clothes.

They were grapes short machete in his right hand and salawaku in the other hand.

Man dancer also wear a hat that make from alloy with white feather slip on it.

While woman dancer costume was dominant with white color with lenso on her both hands.

The dance was perform in duo style, they dancing accompany with the music that came from drum (tifa), flute, and blowing big cockle shell (bia).

Special meaning of this dance can be seen on 3 object of symbol.

1. red color of man dancer costume was represent heroism of maluku, also the bravery and patriotism of Maluku people during faced war.

2. Sword/short machete in their hand represent of the pride of maluku people that must defending until the last blood.

3. Sawaku/shield and Loudly voice that came out from the dancer was represent a protest activity to the government system that was reputed not support to the society.


Campak Dance

Campak dance,

What a strange name of dance, it was dance that came from Bangka – Belitung province,

This dance was tell us about the cheerful of teenagers on Bangka – belitung island.

This dance usually perform during guest welcoming activity.

This dance has significant growth during Portugal was conqueror this island.

Why can assumed that ?

Because we can see the Europe style in this dance such as accordion and women dress that us for dance.

It was very similar with dress that us in Europe.

Another performing of this dance we can see also on weeding party and harvest party.

To know more detail about campak dance,

So come to Indonesia ( Bangka – Belitung island)

The Land of thousand island


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reog Ponorogo

We can find this traditionally art culture at along South west of East java province,
Ponorogo city is famous being the center of reog culture, so Ponorogo also called the city of reog.
On those city gate was decorated with figure of warok and gemblak. Those figures was can find during reog perform.
Reog is one of Indonesian culture that still have strong correlation with strong mystics.
Based on history, reog was started during Majapahit epoch, at that time Majapahit kingdom was lead by King Bhre Kertabhumi.
Stories began when Ki Ageng Kutu , one of majapahit empire staff, fill that his empire will not any longer survive,
Because there are so many influence that came from Chinese Emperor, and also there are so many Region leader that corrupt.
So to prepare the worst condition that may happen, Ki Ageng kutu resign from his duty of kingdom,
And then he was founding institutions that gather youth people to studying martial art and invulnerability art.
This institutions have proposed to prepare power for next majapahit resurrection.
But he realize his army are to small if compare than the kingdom army,
Then Ki Ageng Kutu find the other way to critics the king of kingdom softly, which is using Reog performance.
With reog performance ki ageng kutu can build local people community against the kingdom side.
Those perform now became one of Indonesia culture.

Reog usually perform on wedding party , circumcision party , and during public holiday.

Jaipong Dance

Jaipong was came from west java province,
It was create by artist from Bandung City , his name is Gumgum Gumbira.
His Observation about traditional dance and other traditional art was inspire him to create a new dance.
Movement such as bukaan ,pencugan , nibakeun and others kinds of mincid movement
was collaborate and united and then creating new dance type that called Jaipongan (Jaipong dance).
Jaipong movement was create from combination between , ketuk tilu, ibing bajidor and Topeng banjet dance.
Jaipong dance movement was consist of bukaan,pencugan,nibkeun movement and others combination that take from minced movement.
In the beginning , the dance that have been create by Gumgum was announced as Ketuk Tilu dance,
this is because jaipong dance was create based on improvement of ketuk tilu dance, Gumgum dance design was full of ibing ketuk tilu colour.
It can seen on the choreography and music that accompanied the dance.
And the after several year latter , this dance was popular with new name,jaipong.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Banjar Dance... 2

Now, I’ll explain the other type of banjar dance,

Baksa Kambang

Is one kind of traditionally banjar dance, this dance was use for welcoming party.

This dance was tell about a girl that stringing up the flowers, in the beginning this dance usually perform only in the castle area.

But after years by years it’s then perform to welcoming party.

Baksa Kambang dance was came from Banjar palace and the dancer was usually came from princess from those palace. After several years this dance became explore to all of country and became famous around all Banjar peoples.

This dance was use hand property that called “kembang bogam” , it’s a pair of combination between roses, jasmines and cananga.

Detail of dance tell about cheerful girls that really exited during playing his flower in their hands.

This dance usually dance with queer of dancer and accompanied with music that came from gamelan.

Gamelan usually played ayakan, janklong and kambang muni rhythm.


Banjar Dance

Banjar Dance, was being create by banjar community,

Kind of banjar commonly was perform accompany with baksa or panthing.

(baksa and music panthing are kind of music type)

Banjar dance have various type, in this opportunity we’ll discuss first type of Banjar Dance there is Bagandut.


Couple dancer that in the past time more explore the erotic of the dancer, just like tayub dance from java or ronggeng dance on Sumatra. The meaning of Gandut is tledek (take on java language).

In the beginning, bagandut dance was played only on castle area then in 1860’s, this dance was spread into entire empire and being the most favorite art among citizen.

Usually this dance was perform if there any ceremony such as marriage ceremony.

Gandut dancer is an unique profession in the society and need special women to be gandut dancer,

Because she must have beautiful face also she must able to protect her self with martial art and spelling (kind of magic word) capability. Those capability are very important for her because there are many bad guy will annoy her perform during dance or more worst will bothering her life with black magic or physical harassment.

In the glorious era of gandut dance. It also being the arena for man to show their power such as capability of dance also his riches.

Gandut dance as an entertainment was grow all around banjar kingdom, that have farmer background.


Andun Dance

Andun dance,
This is one of dance genre that create by civilians people.

This dance usually perform on wedding party.

The dance was perform by couple of unmarried Boys and girl.

It perform at night complete with moonlight and follow with kulintang percussion for the music.

Long time ago, this dance was being medium by boys and girls to find his/her soul mate during harvest time.

Until now this dance still perform by them to everlasting the culture of Indonesia

Monday, October 4, 2010

Merak (peacoks) Dance

Indonesian said “tari merak” , it was create by Raden Tjetjep Somantri at 1950’s and then remake by dra.Irawati Durban on 1965. This dance was came from west java ( pasundan land).

Many people was mistake about merak dance interpretation, many people was assume, this dance was telling about cheerful life of female peacock, actually this dance was telling us about stylish attitude of male peacock to attractive the female.

The male peacock will show the beautiful off their long and beautiful feathers tail to make female interested on it.

Body movement male peacock was looks like a supple dance, this it will explore the best male charm and then female will falling in love with the male at last continue to their breeding activity.

Every single movement of merak dance are have cheerful and happy meaning. This dance usually perform during wedding party.

Dancer of merak dance usually used colorful costume and crown that decorated with peacock head, another characteristic of merak/peacock dance we can seen on the wing that used by dancer.

It’s full of accessories and very beautiful when dancer flinging out their hands.