Saturday, November 13, 2010

Two Color Waterfall, Sibolangit

Sibolangit is the one of sub-district that have lot of potential tourism object.

Natural or synthetic tourism object. At sibolangit we can enjoy swimming on the river with fresh and cool wateron Sembahe village.

We also can see the others nature that have potential placed, such as Loknya beach and Dewi garden that placed on Bandar Baru village.

The most wonderfull place among the is the waterfall that have 2 color of water.

This waterfall was placed on Durin Sirugun villange, this waterfall was have white collor on water during fall from 100 metres from land surface, and then the water color was change into blue color when reach on lake.

Until today, there are not clear info who is discovered that waterfall.

To reach waterfall placed we can follow path from camping area sibolangit at Bandar Baru village,it’s has litle bit difficulty of field so need to take a walk to reach that placed.

But all can be payed when we see the beatiful of this waterfall that have 2 color of water.

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