We’ll explore more detail Indonesian tourism place.
In this period we’ll start with Maimun Palace at Nort Sumatran.
North Sumatran,
Beside it’s famous with Batak (vagabond) people, it’s also have strong culture of Malayan.
This culture can be seen on the relic of Malayan kingdom on North Sumatran.
One of Malayan Kingdome relic we can see at Maimun Palace,
This palace was located at Bringjen Katamso Street Medan (10 Km’s from Airport).
Maimun palace was came from Deli Kingdom with have king Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah.
This palace was dominant with yellow color, the characteristic color of Malayan people.

It’s finish build at 1888 with an architect that cam from Italy.
Based on observation result this building was have unique
building style, it’s combined between Europe and Moslem
European style we can seen on the floor that use marmer stone from Europe also, lamp , chair ,
cupboard that they used for palace properties.
While Moslem style we can seen on arcade with Persian style that usually we can found on
Arabian building.
On this palace we can find balairung room, this room was used to coronation ceremony of new
Sultan Deli,
This room also use for gathering of all Sultan Deli family during hari raya Iedul Fitri.
Last but not least in this palace , there one object that must we see and became the most interesting part during Maimun Palace tourism,
We can see a sacred canon that placed on palace area.
Based on legend this canon was came from man that transform into canon during war period
between Deli versus Aceh

This war was due to Sultan From Aceh Kingdom was disappoint
with Sultan Deli that refused his marriage proposal to Princess
of Deli.
You can see all of this only in Indonesia
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