Jaipong was came from west java province,
It was create by artist from Bandung City , his name is Gumgum Gumbira.
His Observation about traditional dance and other traditional art was inspire him to create a new dance.
Movement such as bukaan ,pencugan , nibakeun and others kinds of mincid movement
was collaborate and united and then creating new dance type that called Jaipongan (Jaipong dance).
Jaipong movement was create from combination between , ketuk tilu, ibing bajidor and Topeng banjet dance.
Jaipong dance movement was consist of bukaan,pencugan,nibkeun movement and others combination that take from minced movement.
In the beginning , the dance that have been create by Gumgum was announced as Ketuk Tilu dance,
this is because jaipong dance was create based on improvement of ketuk tilu dance, Gumgum dance design was full of ibing ketuk tilu colour.
It can seen on the choreography and music that accompanied the dance.
And the after several year latter , this dance was popular with new name,jaipong.
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