Let’s continue our Indonesian dance exploring activity in this month,
Now we we’ll highlight dance from Palembang city (South Sumatran) , it’s called Gending Sriwijaya Dance,
Gending sriwijaya dance also completed with a song that called also “gending sriwijaya”, that song was sing to accompanied the gending sriwijaya dance.
Both of them were telling about the greatest of Sriwijaya Empire that succeed to joint all Nusantara island.
These dances perform for welcoming party of special guest that visit at that area.
These dances was perform by 9 beautifully young dancer that wear traditional dress that called Aesan Gede,Selendang Mantri,paksangkong,Dodot and Tanggai.
This 9 person are the main dancer that guard by 2 other dancer that using umbrella and spear. Behind of that dancer there are singer and music player that playing
gending sriwijaya song.
In original condition music was played with gamelan and gong , but recently they already change the music player with rape recorder.
The main dancer bring tepak as sekapur sirih placed that will be give to special guest.
Based on history, this sekapur sirih gift, actually was bring by princess of Sultan or noble.