Monday, November 22, 2010

Ijo Temple

Following the path south side of Ratu Boko Palace,

It was a pleasure journey for culture tourism person.

Because at that placed we can found many of temple building just like a mushroom during winter time.

One of this temple was called Ijo temple ( Candi Ijo ) Ijo in English we is Green, so we can also called Green temple.

This Temple was built on the highest land of Jogja city.

Ijo temple was built at 9 century, on the hill that called green hill (410 meters dpl).

Due to this placement, we not only can see the figure of temple we also can enjoy the scenery of nature below the temple.

There are many of art we can found around this tourism object.

We can find some sculpture on the gate, and statue that has flying man and woman image.

At this temple there are some mysteries on 2 epigraphy that placed on temples.

At those epigraphy was tell about asceticism and a curse that may be the background of something.

Until today still did not find the background about anything?

During visiting this place every detail of temple was meaning full.

And will invite the tourist to have some reflection.

Reflection about morality and also culture


Parang Tritis Beach

Parang tritis is the most famous beach in Jogjakarta.

This beach was have strong correlation with others Jogja tourism object, such as Jogja’s palace and Merapi mountain.

Parang tritis is that have many of myth, it’s was a placed of unity among trimurti ( Merapi,palace and the beach).

This beach was also being used by Panembahan senopati and Sunan Kalijaga to gather.

You can enjoy various sensations at this place with main sensation on sight seeing of nature landscape.

We can enjoy the scenery of the large of sea with big wave if you from parang tritis beach.

Those scenery we can enjoy by various way , such as by ride of horse our completed with four wheel carriage.

Beside of that, we can also visit langse cave ,from direct to the cave, you will see the other face of parangtritis beach.

And you we’ll also can enjoy the most beautiful sea scenery of South Ocean inside this cave.

Beside scenery tourism, parang tritis also have historical placed that can be visited.

At this place we can visit the tumb of Sheikh Bela-Belu.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bunaken Sea Park

Bunaken, was the name of island with 8.08km² in width on the Manado Bay that placed at north Celebes ( Sulawesi) island.

Bunaken island was part of Manado area , the capital city of North Celebes province.

We can visit this bunaken by use speed boat that take 30 minutes away from Manado Harbor.

Around Bunaken area, there is beautiful tourism located at here that called Sea Park of Bunaken.

It has the most high of biodiversity around the world.

Overview of Bunaken area has 72.265 ha in wide, and it’s consist of 5 island (Manado tua, Bunaken , Siladen, Mantehage and Naen island) .

Bunaken sea park has 20 dive spot , with various deepness, the maximal depth of dive until 1344 meters.

12 dive spot was located on bunaken island, those spot was very famous and being the favorite for tourist to visit it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010



Let’s move to another tourism placed at Bali Island,

Now we’ll review for Bedugul tourism object.

Bedugul is one of Bali Island tourism object that have very beautiful landscape,

At here we can see mountain range and lake scenery in one place.

Bedugul that placed on high location make this tourism object always foggy condition.

It was located on Tabanan District 79 kilometres from Ngurah Rai Airport.

On Bedugul area, we can see many of object, there are

1. Beratan Lake

One of object that placed on bedugul, it has cool weather, it’s make our body feel comfort when we are here.

You can rent boat or sampan for sightseeing around Beratan lake.

This place is very suitable for family or couple tour.

2. Eka Karya Bedugul Bali Garden

You can see a heaven at here, this garden location was not far away from Beratan lake around 2kilometres away.

This garden was build on 15 Juli 1959, and has more than 157.5 ha in wide.

This garden was full of tropical mountain plants east of Indonesia.


Tanah Lot

Tanah lot,

Is the one of tourism objects that placed at Bali Island Indonesia.

At here we can see Pura ( temple) that build on huge stone and mountain side.

It’s was kind of sea temple that builds for pray to god of sea (based on local people believed).

Based on legend this temple was build by Brahmana ( a monk) from Java island.

He was roam from java island into Bali island with teach Hinduism concept, His name is Danghyang Nirartha.

Tanah Lot was placed at Beraban village, sub-district Kediri and Tabanan district.

There are 2 Temple can be find at here, 1st temple was located on the mountain side and the 2nd temple was located on huge stone.

Tanah lot was known as beautiful placed to see a sunset. Much of tourist will visit this placed at the noon day.

During Hinduism holiday ( Galungan or kuningan),the temple was full with people that pray at this temple.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sanur Beach

If you see the sunset you must visit Kuta beach,

so if you want to see the beautiful of Sunrise landscape you must visited Sanur beach,

Yeah, One of beach that located on Badung district Bali Island, the east site of Denpasar city.

If kuta beach was friendly for beginer surfer due to the wave was not big enough, At Sanur beach have more strong wave and very famous among foreign tourist that also a good surfer.

Beside surfing activity we also can find others tourism activity at this place such as diving and snorkeling.sanur beach have save and comfort diving area,so all level of diver can be accomodate at here.

Kuta Beach

Kuta beach was located at south of Denpasar city Bali Island.

It’s was placed on distric Badung.It’s a really famous tourism object and became the most favorit place for tourist (foreign or domestic ) that need to visited at Bali Island.

Kuta beach was famous since 1970’s we can see the beatiful of sunset at here.

Except beach tourism, Kuta area also completed with other entertainment such as bar, restaurant , night club etc .

Kuta beach also have good of wave to do surfing activity.The wave was not strong enough, it’s really help for beginer surfer.

See and enjoy some picture of Kuta beach.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Two Color Waterfall, Sibolangit

Sibolangit is the one of sub-district that have lot of potential tourism object.

Natural or synthetic tourism object. At sibolangit we can enjoy swimming on the river with fresh and cool wateron Sembahe village.

We also can see the others nature that have potential placed, such as Loknya beach and Dewi garden that placed on Bandar Baru village.

The most wonderfull place among the is the waterfall that have 2 color of water.

This waterfall was placed on Durin Sirugun villange, this waterfall was have white collor on water during fall from 100 metres from land surface, and then the water color was change into blue color when reach on lake.

Until today, there are not clear info who is discovered that waterfall.

To reach waterfall placed we can follow path from camping area sibolangit at Bandar Baru village,it’s has litle bit difficulty of field so need to take a walk to reach that placed.

But all can be payed when we see the beatiful of this waterfall that have 2 color of water.