Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Sate or we also can call it as satay is kind of culinary that made from slide of meat (chicken goat,sheep,cow,pork,fish or else) this meat was cutted with small shape and then stick usually with bamboo,the most special from this sate are how to cook this.Sate was made by burned those sticked meat with live caol.Sate ussualy serve with many kind of flavor ( it depend on recipe variation and location)
Sate was known original culinary from java Indonesia,but it’s also popular in other south east asean state such as Malaysia,Singapore,Philipine,Thailand.Sate also famous on Holland and Japan,This recipe was take during colonial era in Indonesia.
Recipe and how to make sate was various based on each teritoy.Almost all of kind of meat . Indonesia as the center source of sate has a lot tof recipe variation the kind of sate was based on meat that use to make sate, recipe of sate , and based on what state that make satay (padang,madura,bali etc)
For more better of taste ussualy sate was complete with kind of sauce such as peanut sauce,kecap sauece,padang sauce etc.Sate was very exotic when serve with rice,lontong or ketupat.
So came to Indonesia to taste real sate sensation.

Strange Funeral (only in Indonesia)

Tana TorajaMountain side funeral
Toraja was placed on South Sulawesi,Toraja Land it’s very unique, especially for funeral activity. In Toraja Land dead body was not put on the grave, but put it on the cave in the rock hill. Based on animism Aluk To Dolo among toraja land people,the highest tomb for human corpse placed the faster spirit reach God or Heaven.


Exotic dead body burned culture.
You can find this culture on Bali Island, this ritual was done by Hindu people.
usually due to the expensive of this ceremony, Balinese people will joint there ceremony for more efficient cost to get clear how is detail Ngaben, you can see on Bali Island

The Most Wonderfull Montain

Bromo mountain is a part of 5 mountain that placed on Tengger Mountain on sand sea. e with Bromo mountain. Tour object with nature phenomenon on Bromo mountain make tourist around the world very interest to came to this mountain. The moust unique nature phenomenon on this mountain, we can see crater in the crater with sand sea spread surrounding.

KrakatauThis mountain was explode on 26 August 1883.Krakatau big bag was shake the earth and create tsunami that tug at more than 36.000 people. Alice spring in Australia Rodriges This gigantic erupted make Island in Africa can hear the sound of mountain erupted, in fact dust from this mountain was reach the space. Krakatau mountain was placed on Sunda strain between Sumatran and Java island. This Krakatau erupted case was being the one of most miracle disaster in this world

Bali Island

The most wonderful island in the world,This Island are the best vacation object in the world, Bali have Kintamani,Kuta beach,Sanur Beach,Batur Lake,Gajah cave, Tampak Siring , Bedugul, Tanah Lot and the others.
You can see anything in Bali Island , from culinary,culture,relegio,until tourism object.This Bali island was being the background set of Julia robert last movie,Eat Pray and Love.
The funny thing Bali island is most Famous than Indonesia Its self amoung many tourist around the world.


Hey All
Another amazing building you can find on Indonesia,
It's Call Prambanan Temple.
Prambanan,different with borobudur temple, this temple was build On based on Roro Jongrang fairytale, this temple with Hindu culture was build on Prambanan Village,Sleman.
Prambanan was consist of kinds of temple and build with wonderful architecture complete with a sculpture inside the temple.
This Prambanan temple also have minor broken during Earthquake that occurred on Jogja last 2005.

Puncak Jaya Wijaya

Have you ever see snow on tropical season country?
you can see on Puncak Jaya Wijaya Irian Jaya Indonesia.
Jaya wijaya also known as the one of phenomenon seven Summit, many climber around the world really want to conquer this summit.Jayawijaya was placed on Laurentz National Park, Papua. This summit always covered by eternal snow. It’s be the one among three snow court that observed on world tropical. It’s really Miracle if we can see snow on Indonesia witch across by equator line and have 2 of season.
Carstenz Pyramid (4884 mdpl)is the one of summit with covered by this snow.
While the highest summit of South east Asia and Pacific was placed on Sudirman Mountain range, this summit of Sudirman mountain range covered with Snow also

Kelimutu Lake

The world was acknowledged this lake as the one of 9 world miracles. This lake was placed on Kelimutu Montain,Flores NTB
On those mountain found 3 lake with different water color, there are :
a.Tiwu ata Polo ( Red Lake)
b.Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai ( Danau Hijau)
c.Tiwu Ata Mbupu (danau biru)
Only kelimutu lake the only one lake that can change the water color any time from red into dark green and then turned into maroon.
Change from dark green became light green, dark brown became blue sky.
This Nature phenomenon is miracle.

Komodo Island

are you ever meet a dragon?
real life dragon ?,in Indonesia you will see this
on Komodo Island ( Indosian Dragon's)
Komodo island was placed on a strain between Flores island on Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and Sumbawa in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). On the Komodo island there are found the biggest lizard on the world(Varanus komodoensis). Komodo believed as one of dinosaurus family that still alive from pre-historic period, Komodo also usually called as Indonesian Dragon can growth until 3 meter length and 140 kg weight.
Beside we can find Komodo on Komodo Island,we also can find the others miracle on the under the sea world.
Under the sea water work on this island are the best around the word, because from the Komodo island ocean, protrude dry land with rock hill.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Starting this posting,I'll post the most amazing placed in Indonesia by serial,
For first edition let's check for the most amazing temple on this world.

Borobudur temple are the most greatest Buddhism temple in the world. This temple was build during King Samaratungga form dynasty Sailendra being command on Central Java. This temple was being the one of 7 miracles in the world. Borobudur temple was placed on Borobudur village, Magelang, Central Java. This huge temple was consist of big block stone with amazing architecture this make Borobudur deserve to be the number 1 with high level of building process difficulty

Saucer Dance represent the dance art had by people Minangkabau coming from West Sumatran. The Dance show us the feel of gladness, joyful and feel the thanks to gods from society of Minangkabau when season harvest have arrived, where all youngsters sway the motion step by showing their ability in playing of saucer in their hand.

This dance is completed with song that played by talempong and saluang (Sumatran traditional music instrument), This dance movement was done swiftly at the same time hold saucer in their Hands. Sometime this saucer (plat) they throw into the air or they dash down it to the ground and stepped on by all the dancer with the naked feet.

This dance usually done by couple or by group , it has lot of movement that conduct swiftly, dynamic and also alternated by saucer sound that brought by all dancer. In the beginning this dance is a worship from society minangkabau to Goddess of Paddy and respect to the result harvest. But now the dance more regular performed at nuptials event.

Saucer dance become very liked even others country like Malaysia. This dance is very popular because this dance have energic movement, motivated, attractive, dynamic, and also have various movement so that become the separate fascination to all audience Dance Saucer.

Tari Seudati (Aceh)

Seudati dance was one of dance coming from Aceh province.Seudati come from Creed word, meaning belief that there are to No God in this world besides Allah, and Prophet of Muhammad is Allah courier.
This Dance also including category of Tribal War Dance or War Dance, which its have lyric that always hearten the young man of Aceh to awaken and against colonization.That’s why this dance have time to be prohibited at epoch of Dutch colonization, but now this dance is re-enabled and become the Artistry of Indonesia National.

Tari Kecak (Bali)

Kecak ( KEH-CHAHK"red) with alternative spelling: Ketjak, Ketjack, and Ketiak (armpit),is one of Balinese ] artistic show that created in 1930’s, This dance was played especially by men. This dance demonstrated by many ( tens of or more) men dancer which sit to march circling with the certain rhythm with " cak" yelling and lift both arm, Kecak dance was tell us about story of Ramayana. With detail chronology when monkeys army help Rama against Rahwana. This
Kecak dance was came from ritual good ,The dancer during show was on unconscious condition Balinese people was believe Kecak dancer was doing communications with God or soul of all ancestor to tell any urgent thing for expectations to society.
Dancer which sit the circle wearing Black and white motif cloth just like a chessboard. Besides that dancer, there is also other dancer playing the part of figure Ramayana such as Rama, Shinta, Rahwana, Hanoman, and Sugriwa.
Theme song of kecak was taken from ritual of god dance. Kecak dance was not use any music equipment. It just need a bell (krincingan) that put on dancer foot that playing the part of figure Ramayana.
This Kecak dances was create by Wayan Limbak that cooperative with the artist of Germany His name is Walter Spies on 1930’s. Wayan Limbak popularize this dance around the world.
Just came to Bali to see the life performance of Kecak Dance.

Tari Gambyong

Surakarta city (central java)
Based on history It is said that Gambyong dance was created by pursuant to name of a public road dancer (tledhek) her name is Gambyong, She live during epoch Sinuhun Paku Buwono IV in Surakarta ( 1788-1820). She is known as a pretty beautiful face and have wonderful dancing skill. Not strange,she is famous around Surakarta and then created the name of Dance GambyongThis Dance represent of a kind associations dance in society. This dance have special opening stage, before the show begin always opened by gendhing pangkur. Dance will seen more beautiful if dancer can harmonize the motion with the rhythm of kendang (Javanese drum).
Because,kendang is referred as ordinary of muscle of dance and guide gendhing

During that era, instrument of dance was complete by the bonang and gong or we can said by Gamelan. Gamelan usually consist of gender, router gender, kendang, kenong, kempul, and gong.
All that instrument are brought to many places by shouldered by Gamelan team, playing kendang is not easy as like we see. Because kendang player have to can joint with the supplely of dance and also can unite with the rhythm of gendhing. Dancer and Kendang player may can not be dissociated. Good team work between dancer and kendang player will easy to conduct harmonizes.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tari Pendet - The most wonderful Indonesian Dance

Pendet dance initially represent the worship dance which is many modeled [in] gate, place practice worship the Hindu people [in] Bali, Indonesia. This Dance symbolist the expectation to the going down deity nya to world nature. In the long run, along epoch growth,Bali actor alter the Pendet become the " felicitation come", even remain to contain the anasir which sakral-religius. Creator / modern form choreographer dance is I Wayan Rindi - 1967.
Pendet represent the statement from a devoting in the form of ceremony dance. Do not as does dance demonstrate needing intensive training, Pendet can be danced by everybody, pemangkus of man and woman, adult and also girl.
This dance is taught by simply by following movement and seldom be conducted in banjar-banjar.All young girl follow the movement from more senior women understanding their responsibility in exemplifiing good.
Dance this putri have the more dynamic motion pattern than Rejang Dance brought [by] by teaming or couple. Usually presented after Rejang dance in]gate page yard and usually look towards holy pelinggih by dress the ceremony and each dancer bring the sangku, jar, cup, and other supply sesajen.

Ketoprak (Indonesian Drama)

Ketoprak ( Javanese: kethoprak) is a kind stage art coming is Javanese.
In a show of ketoprak,this drama are combine with Java songs that played with gamelan.
So Many kind of story can be played on ketoprak, but usually taken based on legend story or Java history. Some theme also taken by story from outside country. But story theme have never been taken away from epic story of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Cause special for this theme are usually us for puppet plays of people.

Visit Indonesia if you need know detail about ketoprak.


Hi All.
In this blog you will see all about Indonesia,
A beautiful country just like spilled of heaven's favor.
You can see the culture,culinary,tourism,amazing of Indonesia.

 With this blog, we hope all of you can now about Indonesia more closely,
And hope you can see by your own eyes the amazing of it by visiting Indonesia.